I need some advice !

My husband and I have his son every weekend, and lately it’s been expending into the weekdays.. my husbands ex has had children services called on her multiple time and they opened a case but refuses to allowed my husband (the father) involved.. we expressed some of our concerns.. he’s saying I want to kill my self, I can’t go home to mommy, she scares me, I’m scared dad . Can i stay with you and hayllie (which is me) .. mind you he is only 3! Plus we expressed the fact we borroqes her car seat and the straps on it to tighten him up are broken.... you know what they told us? We’re closing the case because those aren’t real concerns! Like what the fuck.. and since August we have been expressing concerns and they have been just blowing them off. So last night we get a text that this little boy has a fever, well my daughter had one too, so I texted back and gave her a few tips like cold cloth on the back of the neck, warm bath. And she said I’m not doing anything unless Dale (my husband)gives me 20$ to get Tylenol .. mind you we pay child support and we honestly didn’t have the extra 20$ since it was before payday.. so we picked him up this morning, eyes blood shot, nose bleeding, bad cough .. I can’t believe she would put her own son in danger like that for 20$ . I’m really just venting. I don’t know any answers or what to do but I also have nobody to talk to about it.. I’m sorry this was so long lol