Horrible period


Maybe someone has experienced this. First I’ll give you a little back ground on my cycles. So my cycles normally run 37 days give or take a day and every other month is an anovulatory cycle, but I still have a tiny amount of bleeding. Well this month was my ovulatory cycle. All month I had been experiencing weird on a off soreness in my nipples and small lower abdominal cramps; a week from my period I wake up and feel horrible. I was nauseous, I had the most painful lower back pain I have ever experienced, and my cramps were so bad they were radiating down the upper front part of my thighs. It got so bad that I was throwing up. I was bleeding heavy, but not so bad I couldn’t contain it. Well the next morning I see that I had passed a clot, which was a perfectly circular clot, which was just a bit bigger than a dime and throughout the day I had little blood or tissue strands coming out. As of today I just have brown blood. I have never experienced anything like this, I’m hoping someone can give me some insight if they’ve gone through this. I did contact my gyno, but she’s out on maternity leave and her nurse basically turfed me to my primary care doctor, who I also called and never heard back from. Thank you in advance!