Ex keeps contacting me

I met my ex June 2014 we don't live in the same state, but I went to visit him in September 2014 for 5 days. It hurt me so much to leave him so I had to "let him go" but one month later he contacted me and wanted to be friends. Then we would  call/text/videochatted everyday & he came to visit March 2015(he also has family here)  . I thought it wasn't love maybe just lust, but when he left again I felt like I was going crazy without him . And I told him we couldn't keep doing this. So fast forward to 2 weeks ago he contacted me again. I told him I've been dating a guy for a month but he said he just wants to be friends . I recently stopped dating the new guy but I'm so confused. He's coming in August and I don't know if He's just using me for sex or if he actually likes me. Ever since I met him he said he was moving here, but he got a job right after he graduated and he still wants to move here but in time of course. I wish it was easy to let him go but he keeps coming back. What should I do?