Execution of a minor. (Trying for a new topic, WARNING: GRAPHIC)

(This question is more directed at pro-dealth penalty individuals.)

Do you think execution of a minor should be legal in extreme situations?

So set the idea, I have some dumbed down examples of "extreme":

Jordan Brown, age 11. Shot is fathers pregnant fiance while she slept. He went on with his day as usual after word, until a 4yo sibling found the corpse. Brown is found with gun residue on his shirt, and is said to have been seen with the gun by the eldest sister. Charged with double homicide and tried as a adult.


Lionel Tate, age 12, beat a 6yo female playmate to dealth while mom -a state trooper, took a nap in another room. Tate walks in and says the girl wasn't breathing, claming they were wrestling beforehand. The girl had a crushed skull, multiple broken bones and liver smashed into the rib cage by a blunt object. He was let go with 10 years probabtion, and a few years later violated it by committing armed robbery.


Eric Smith, age 13, lured a 4yo boy into the woods, and away from a camp about 5 blocks away. The 4yo was out walking for the first time on his own, due to his mom being busy. Smith strangled the boy, dropped a large rock on his head, and sexually assaulted him with a stick. Smith admitted to it and was sentenced 9 years to life, supposedly about to be released in 2016.

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