I think my bf dislocated his shoulder!

he went to a family party today and while he was leaving he fell, I think on his arm. hes so horrible explaining shit that I was getting frustrated because I kept asking questions. I thought this whole time he told me he went to the e.r but turns out the e.r was really some guy his dad took him to "fix it" (check it out) I got super annoyed since I had kept asking him what did the doctor say, if they took any x-rays, why didn't they prescribe him any medication for the pain, etc? his dad was there but he doesn't speak much English and my Spanish is bad so he didn't tell me much. My bf is now in sooo much pain, the guy bandaged him up but even when he's not moving he's shouting in pain. his dad gave him who knows what to take then his mom gave him tylonel. He's super moody so I understand why he's acting this way but he's making me feel soo bad. it was late so his parents went to bed and I kept urging him to go to the e.r but he doesn't want to and I know it's because his parents think "he'll feel better tomorrow" and he doesn't have insurance nor do we have money. he yelled at me to go upstairs with DD because she was being so fussy and squirming out my arms. he was also crying and it made me tear up because he never cries. I'm just so pist off his parents aren't taking this serious even though he's an adult and should just go that's their son! my sister has also dislocated her arm a few times before but I don't remember her looking like this. Shouldn't he "feel better" if that guy did fix it or something?? my sister always had relief coming back home when this would happen to her but I'm not sure if it's the same with anyone. idk what to do!