Keeping me overnight for monitoring 😩😩

Madison💁🏼‍♀️ • Retailer// Married 6 yrs// Mommy to fraternal twin girls// surprise baby on the way!
Well poop. Or pee, I guess I should say. I peed on myself today, but wasn't sure what happened, so I called the on-call doc and was told to come in just to make sure I wasn't leaking fluid. Well, I am showing some "uterine irritability" on the monitor so the hospital is keeping me overnight. Booooooo. Baby A showed slightly on the lower end of normal amount of fluid (6.something; B was 8.3 cm I believe) so they want to make sure these contractions don't cause any changes. Hopefully I get out tomorrow at a decent time to go back to work.✌🏼