Evil Co-workers!!!!

Everyone has them. I just have to vent before I start another five days with them all!!!! 
For anonymity I will use fake names.
Karla: about 400 pounds, 65 and is constantly sexually harassing any man that comes through the office. At first it didn't bother me but hearing her tell them how much she wishes they would go jog shirtless outside her window became entirely too much to handle on a daily basis. Why they haven't said anything to HR is beyond me! (It's because their men and these kinds of things don't bother them. 
Caitlin: certified insane person who forced herself to have multiple panic attacks at work so she couldn't be fired and now proceeds to do nothing all day because she has the company with with their back to the wall. Likes to tell me "wow you look good for once" when I occasionally wear makeup to work. Also likes to report the entire floor to HR for one person saying the F word. You're 45 lady. People cuss! 
Kelly: screams everything she says and has a horrible cackle laugh. She was hired onto our team two years ago and still answers the phone with her old company's name.
Sorry for the long post but sometimes you just have to get it all out.
What about you ladies? And demons in the workplace?