It happened 😭


Girls... I am totally in shock, I am shaking. I miscarried at the end of Oct/early Nov and it was one of the hardest and mentally taxing experiences of my life. I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy. My husband and I have been TTC since and this morning has been our lucky day!!! AF was originally supposed to come today, but glow changed it to be Thursday... so we tested this AM since no AF in sight!!!

We were committed this month:

Drank raspberry leaf tea daily

Prenatal vitamins

Vitamin B6

Pineapple core after ovulation


Preseed during fertile window

Sperm Meet Egg Plan (sex every other day starting at CD8, once I got positive OPK, sex that day and the next 3)

Legs up afterward

Positive thoughts only (practicing manifesting... not “I hope I get pregnant this cycle”, but “I KNOW I am getting pregnant this cycle”)

We are so happy. Cautiously optimistic. Please send sticky baby dust my way!!!

Baby dust to all! ❤️😭🙏🏻