What would you do?

Alexis • 25 mommy of 2
So I know somebody that is trying to concieve. Problem is...she is 15 years old. Still in Highschool. Haven't even been with the guy for atleast a year. AND TRYING TO HAVE A BABY. I can't wrap my mind around the situation. I am 8 months pregnant and the entire pregnancy she has came to me for pregnancy tests and random questions about when to test and what not..she doesn't have a good home life. Her mom is a little crazy(a lot of crazy) and im worried about telling her. I have been upfront with her and told her that if she thinks she can raise a child then she should be able to handle getting cheap pregnancy tests on her own. But that just made her run to my sister for advice. I don't know what to do, I feel so bad for her it's so sad. What should I do?