Crying in the parking lot


I just dropped my husband off at church. I told him I was going to drive around for a few minutes. He said ok. I needed a minute so he didn’t see me crying Trying to have a baby with him is wonderful. I love him more than myself. All I want is a little one we make together. I read that other women are feeling like this. I need a little encouragement. I’m normally more articulate but today all I can do is cry out to our Heavenly Father as I ask Him for a child of our own. I miss our baby in Heaven. His due date was Feb month. We walk through our sitting room that would have been his nursery. When will this happen? My period was due today. I’m so tired of taking test and getting a negative. Then I look the next morning and see a positive but I know it’s just an evaporation line. I some how get excited every time I see those lines even though I know it isn’t a real positive. Please Lord give us a healthy baby. Please bless me with the ability to feel our child inside me. I hope this isn’t too much. Need a little encouragement today.