Single and pregnant with more guys “interested”

So I’ve been single basically my whole pregnancy, but on good terms with the father.

I put it on my Instagram and Facebook that I’m having a baby, I’m also a brand ambassador so I have a lot of followers for my business page that links to my personal profiles... which a lot of people already started following, but the apparent “baby bump” for the clothes I advertise got me a ton more!

First I was more along the lines of flattery with so much support of doing my job while carrying and not being afraid to show it all off.

My Snapchat name is ALSO on my accounts because I make videos for a lot of the advertising that goes towards it, I normally don’t use Snapchat for much else...

Here lately I’ve been getting a lot of creepy messages however to my personal pages on Facebook and Instagram, as well as Snapchat...

It’s obvious that I’m single because I never post any pictures with the father on my personal accounts anywhere, now all of a sudden I get requests asking if I’m “dtf” or “would like to go out for dinner” I’ve never met any of these guys who’ve asked so of course I’m uncomfortable with saying yes.

But some wont quit I’ll even go as far as saying “eff off” and blocking them, then they’ll find another way to hit me up.

I officially asked a guy so bold as to say to me “you must be really horny” on snap chat just why he thought that... it took a while to get a response because of all the obnoxiously personal questions like

“Do you know who the father is”

“Is the father of your child going to be around”

“Why isn’t the father of your child in a relationship with you”

Finally he said; “you just seem to be easy considering your single, and pregnant.. but I don’t want to waste my time if you’re going to be difficult before I get it in and still try to make me wrap up” then proceeded to remove our conversation from his thread so I just looked like I was having a conversation with myself on Instagram... after which blocking me.

Is this a common occurrence with the single and pregnant? Or do I just attract really crappy guys?