feeling sad and rejected


its been a week since so and i bd'ed. i am leaving for work in morning and will be gone all week due to work. af supposed to show in middle of week and continue through weekend, which means no sex when i get home either... so wasn't feeling good v bef re we have sex again (1 week already, one while travel for work this week, and a 3rd due to af through weekend and traveling the following week) hes goes can i just get a kiss goodnight im sleepy. i asked if he would kiss me back a little bit and touch me to see if that would get him i the mood, and he just rolled over. i just wanted to leave us both with something to hold onto through the long week apart. i feel rejected amd unattractive. i am laying here sad with tears wondering if i did something to make him turn away....i probably sound like a baby.. but its been a rough few weeks for us and i wanted/needed this connection with him. 😢😢