I’m so lost lol.

so my current & first boyfriend called things off for a good two month in mid June - August. Been together for around 2 1/2 Years. Yeah. He called things off because he couldn’t keep up no more. I was heart broken. Didn’t expect it. Shattered to the max.So I kept to myself healed , learn to love myself. I was good I was happy. During that time I occasionally met this boy, younger than me, online. passions were the same, we both suffer from anxiety. We understood each-other. Yeah we just connected. he lives in UK. & I in the USA. we talked, became so close. So school comes around and my ex & i become friends again, whatever. So UK boy sees this through social media, and becomes distant. I end up with my ex again, but I feel so much foR the UK boy. I don’t know. I’ve grown with my ex so much, I’m too attach to him as well. I completely don’t know what to do.

I lost all contact with UK Boy, but my heart still feels for him. I don’t know what to do.I’m just so stuck in a love triangle in which I don’t know what to do. I don’t know what to go after. I don’t know if I’m doing it out of commitment.

I’m just so scared to leave a relationship , and regret it - or stay in the relationship and regret not taking the chance with UK boy.

I swear I need someone to talk to me 😂 talk some sense to me.

advice? Similar love triangle situations?