Here it is!! BFP!


I’m pregnant!!! 10 weeks and 3 Days! We found out when I was about 6 almost 7 weeks! I was a week and a half late on my period and decided to take a test. I really didn’t think I was pregnant since my last period in was a few days late so I figured it was late again... all my symptoms were just sore breasts and cramps that felt like normal period cramps, so I didn’t think anything of it. Soo.. I took the test and it was positive right away!! This picture is the second test that I took. I was so nervous, excited, scared and all the emotions all at once I showed the positive test to my SO and threw it away before taking a picture or showing anyone else lol 😬😭 but here we are after my SO is passed freaking out that we are having a child! (I guess I should say not freaking out as much anymore, lol) we are so excited and so blessed to take this next step in our lives!!! I’m just so excited to share!

Baby dust to all of you ladies!!! ✨