
My boyfriend and I have been together for four years, with a short break up about a year ago. When we got back together he started to talk about how he thinks a life in polyamory is for him. He feels as though he has such a high desire to give love and support to anyone that needs it and that he would prefer to have ideally three girlfriends at once that all live with him together as one big group. He is attracted to bisexual women so he believes that the situation would be ideal for everyone because there could be close, loving, intimate relationships between everyone. Anyone else have any experience with this or any similar type of situation? I do not consider myself bisexual just because I have no desire to date a woman but I have found women attractive. The main issues we are coming across are jealousy on my part and the fact that he has lied and cheated in the past and it is incredibly hard to trust him. Any advice or even just opinions are welcome. :)