Feeling like crap

My husband left for his job for 6 months and we are half way through. Only have until mid April if everything gets settled then he can come back home. Well ever since he’s been gone I feel like I have less energy to do anything. I am a SAHM and our son is 8 1/2 months old and he has been acting so different since my husband left. He has to sleep in bed or next to me. He uses me as a human pacifier through out the entire night. He cries when I leave the room, he’s just very needy all of a sudden. He won’t play by himself for a couple minutes while I get housework done or even cook a meal for myself. I am so exhausted because he started waking every hour throughout the night demanding my breast. I can’t sleep, I can barely eat 3 meals a day. I try and nap with him every day to make up for lost sleep but I am worn out by the time it’s his nap time and he’s not. He fights his sleep and I have no patience or energy to sit there for 30 mins trying to get him to nap. I am so frustrated and exhausted. I don’t feel like myself anymore. Idk who I am anymore I am so wrapped up in being a mom I haven’t shaved, brushed my teeth, cut my nails in a a couple of days. When I shower he has to be in there with me or he cries. On top of this we have a dog too. I barely have any time for myself anymore idk if I can make it these next 3 months. Any advice or help? Maybe just to know that I am not alone. I am overwhelmed.