So me and my boyfriend broke up on our one year anniversary and the reason why he broke up with me Because it really hurts him because we can’t hang out anymore and the reason why is because our parents ended our relationship the beginning of November and not to hang out with each other and so me and boyfriend didn’t listen to them so we kept our relationship a secret from them for 3 months and also he said that he isn’t ready for a relationship but then he dated other 2 girls before me but then today is the first time I seen him in person at school ever since our breakup and he’s still sometimes calls me babe and checks me out and also he said that he still loves me...and he said “I’m breaking up with you because u love you” and “you’ll find someone else better than me” but I still love him so much I really don’t wanna lose him and I’m trying so hard to keep our relationship... I told him to talk to his parents about his feelings towards me but he’s scared because he’s afraid that his dad might beat him up which he had before but he doesn’t remember why or either get mad or yell at him

and he says that I’m always getting mad at him everyday and I feel like I am :( please what should I do??!? What do I say to him!!? Bc I literally been trying so hard....Should I text his mom about it???