arrfgghhra! army hospitals/clinics!


can anyone relate or give me some hope it gets better down the road? I just got off phone with ultrasound department, FINALLY A PERSON! Been trying to get first trimester scan as ordered by doctor since last thursday! Actually went back a few times to try to schedule and she was gone every.single.time. Today I thought success! Then she keeps me waiting forever to say "we have 0100 or 0500 on the 19th." what?! Lady come on! I asked for a time later in the day and she said that was all... Once I said I'd speak to my Dr. and tell him she snapped to the 21st of February at 0900. Then followed with it takes about 48 hours for my Dr. to receive the ultrasound. My next appointment is on the 23rd at 8 AM. I am so frustrated and irritated! ..and really hungry!