Do you get hornier when with someone you truly enjoy?


So like I was wondering if it’s just me or not, but I’ve been with two guys this past year.

The first one was super horny and into a lot of different kinks and such. I put on a brave face and tried to match him but within the first month or so sex became such a chore that I was so turned off by it I’d just straight up play dumb or quickly play the “I have [insert issue here] and I’m not in the mood.” I felt like sex was the whole relationship so when he moved away I had no problems ending it beyond not wanting to hurt him.

The second guy I’m still with and I’m just going gaga over him. He’s so sweet and caring that we get along beautifully and have a lot in common. Not to mention he is extremely attractive, not like guy #1 wasn’t but this one just seems so much more so for some reason. Granted I seem to be much more frisky than him but I’m always really satisfied whenever he is in the mood and we are able.

I think my reason for the change in libido is because with guy #2 there is more to us than just sex and when sex is involved we both try to fulfill the other’s desire while both still showing the lovey doves romantic side of things. Am I just being silly or does the romantics make your partner seem more attractive?

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