

I love how I'm due within the next three weeks and my mother decides to bring her friend who just has surgery and who is sick into the house to stay here for the week and then is expecting me to stay up all night with her to make sure she takes her meds correctly like yea I don't sleep at night to begin with but I do need to like lay down and try to relax since Saturday I've been having contractions and since friday I've been having a lot of rib pain because he is in my ribs it honestly feels like I pulled the muscles in my ribs again like I can't be up all night doing this let alone around someone who is this sick like wtf was my mom thinking


yes I know its my mothers house but it is not MY responsibility to take care of her friend who asked her for help I don't need to be stressing about taking care of a grown woman staying up all night because of her and possibly getting sick with the bronchitis she has

**update #2**

so now my little brother caught the stomach bug at school so her friend was like yea I'm not staying here so now I don't have to take care of her anymore just my 6 year old brother who is essentially like my first child I basically raised him