Boyfriend does not like me wearing a bikini.

Hi! Its summer were i live and i have been going to the beach a lot with my boyfriend, we have had jealousy problems in the past but we communicated and solved those problems (we have been together 3 years).

So after solving this, things were really good but then it started to really scare me, he started complaining about my clothes and how he doesn't like me wearing off-the shoulder tops, and even told me to delete some photos were i was using that kind of tops.

We talked and i told him that he cant tell me what to not wear because its my choice and my body, so he realized that it was because of insecurities and apologized.

So time passed and i notice that he would get a little angry or awkward with me when i was wearing certain clothing, we argued some times about it and he told me he doesn't like it because its his values.

Its strange because in the 3 years of relationship he NEVER said anything of that kind about my clothes, thats why i was kind of worried. So i told him that we should get to a agreement between our points of view, we did.

So now! Its summer and we went to the beach, he told me he doesn't like me wearing a bikini because its like wearing underwear and that he wouldn't like other people seeing me in underwear because it reminds him of our intimate moments and takes off the value of that. He was really upset and cried. I am completely against this because i don't want to feel restricted it also doesn't feel right for me because of this i feel unhappy and not free.

He told me he doesn't know what to do, that it really hurts him and i told him that we should go to therapy to solve this problem, then he said that going there would not make him change his mind.

But, either way we agreed to go so we can solve this.

What do you thing about this problem? Can you give me advice in what should i do?