Stress rant💆

So i feel like im drowning in stress because im about to be one year with my amazing bf but I dont love him anymore. I told him how i feel and i told him i dont want to break up because i believe im just confused. Okay so here it goes. I graduated in sep. my bf took a lil longer tho and promised he would "bust his ass" and graduate in dec. so i said i would give him till Oct. with me then i have to move an hr away to start college. but then oct. came and he begged me for more time so i said fine till nov. then nov became dec. and now its about to be Feb. and he's still not graduated. However since i dont really feel the same towards him i have officially made a date and got accepted into school im moving forsure with or without him. I want us to reconnect, i feel like the only reason i dont feel the same about him is because ive put my life on pause and sacrificed some things for him but now i just feel so tired of waiting and wasting time waiting for him sometimes i feel like im so stressed about becoming an adult and i feel like i have to just swallow my stress and hide it away so that i can help him with whatever he needs and his problems and im just over it by now. i'm just tired of feeling like dating a boy. I want him to mature with me but its just not happening.