Long distance love at first sight.

So I was bartending one night and this guy came in at about 5:30pm. He was super upset and said he was going to have one jager bomb and then leave. I asked him if he minded if I asked what got him so down. He said he was from that town and he hadnt visited in 7 years because he moved to Arkansas. He didn't know the owner had passed. I talked to him about it and we shared stories we had about the owner. We laughed and cried a little. He took his bomb and then walked outside. After about 10 minutes he came back in. I said I thought you were leaving? He said no I went to go smoke and asked for another. He was very quiet after we talked but after a few more bombs he started to open up. We talked, laughed, and danced to the songs he put on the juke box. We had a great time. It was my best bartending night ever. Before we knew it it was 3am (closing time) and I had to make everyone leave. He helped take out the trash and move the chairs and tables I needed to move. He had to go outside as I counted up the drawer and said his goodbyes. So I finished everything I had to do and locked the place up. As I was walking to my car he came over and we talked until 5am. He was leaving at 8 am to go back home. We added each other on Facebook and went our separate ways. He then later messaged me to make sure I got home okay and said remember how I first got there and said I was going to have one and go. He said I stayed for you. I couldn't leave. I wanted to hangout and be around you. In any case any girl would have melted. But I was instantly heart broken because I knew I'd never see him again. We talked back and fourth for a while and I still hear from him. I actually got a surprise the other night and he said he was back in town for a couple of days. He is now coming to stay with me tomorrow night and I couldn't be happier. The reason I am posting this is because I wanted to share the story. Not only that but for some heart break advice because I can already tell it's going to be extremely hard for me to have to say goodbye to him Wednesday morning. Is it crazy that I've only met this man once and I would pack up all my things today to go move closer to him? Am I nuts? All I keep thinking about is how he brushed my hair behind my ear and told me how beautiful I was. Or how he told me he waited outside the bar for me to get done to make sure I got to my car okay. And so he could spend as much time with me as he could before he left. I'm either crazy or I'd call it love at first sight? What do you ladies think?