Need some advice!

Mrs. • Momma to 2 on earth and 2 in heaven. Pregnant with the next adventure! 2014 👼🏼 2016 👧🏼 2018 👧🏼 2020 👼🏼 2022 🤰🏼

Have an almost 19 month old as well as pregnant with number 2! We are due July 20th.

Right now I’m in the process of potty training hoping to have her potty trained before the baby comes. She peed on the potty for the very first time at exactly 18 months but we didn’t want to rush the potty training so we’ve been taking it slow and kind of backed off from it when I got sick and was in the hospital, but have started up again slowly these last couple days. She definitely knows to go on the potty. I’ve caught her a few times pooping in her diaper right beside the potty whether it be her kiddy one or an adult one. I guess I’m just curious on how often I should put her on the potty?