Update: Hubby Fell Asleep Before Birthday Sex

Sooo... it’s my birthday. We share a room with our infant daughter and she was sleeping, but stirring.

Husband said “I know on everyone’s birthday they deserve to be sexed up, but what should we do about the fact that she’s stirring?”

I was working on booking some flights for a trip on his phone so I said “Let’s wait til I’m done booking these flights so that she can settle to sleep better.”

He agrees... then falls asleep.

I finished booking the flights and woke him up to give him his phone back and he was like “What?”

I tapped him with the phone and said “Your phone.”

Him - “What about it?”

Me - “I’m done booking the flights so I’m giving it back to you.”

He takes it, rolls over, and goes back to sleep.

Happy birthday to me?

UPDATE: I gently coaxed him awake and broached the subject. He groaned and told me in an annoyed tone that it was late, then rolled back over and went back to sleep. Bummer...