First baby & hearing family member whisper...

Mariely • FTM to a BOY 💙Engaged 💍

So this is my first baby ever and I'm super excited (after the initial shock,,,) and everything was going great. I did my Pregnancy reveal with my boyfriend and we (and most) of the family were screaming with happiness and clapping. It was surreal. Then a couple weeks ago my aunt (who is Highly Christian and stuck up) asked my FATHER,of all people, if i got pregnant by accident! Dad told her " just be glad she's having a baby. It doesn't matter if its planned or not." She eventually apologized but the damage has been done. Then she tells her Pastor and he gets all religious on me about it as well and it was one of the most uncomfortable things ever. I love my aunt but please, don't force your religious views on me or my boyfriend.

How would you ladies feel?? 😓