How do i tell my mom that I'm not a virgin


Around this week my boob started to hurt so i told my mom and she said that she will take to the gynecologist and yesterday she called me saying that she made the appointment and they will do a test that they only do to girls that are not virgin. She told me that just to know that im a virgin which im not and i said to her like what if im not she began to yell at me saying stuff like better be a virgin and hung up on me and she haven't call me ever since and i get frustrated because

1. I'm 19 and my boyfriend is 21

2. I'm old enough to know what's right and wrong

3. I'm protecting myself

I'm a stay at home girl I don't party, I don't do any kind of drugs and I'm getting my degree in college, me and my boyfriend are really committed to marry. She wants me to be this perfect daughter that im not, i can't be myself around her. I can't even say nothing about because she will get mad at me and not talk to me for a whole week, she's so rancorous and i can't live like this.

Please help me i don't know what so say i don't even know how to stand up to her 😞