
So I never post anything like this. My husband and I have been waiting since December to get an <a href="">IUI</a> we were supposed to get the procedure done yesterday. Called at 10 am like we were supposed to. got a call at 4 pm saying we're sorry we didn't get back to you in time, we can't do it now because it's too late. ARE YOU SERIOUS!

All the clearblue and first response OPK waisted. all the meds waisted. all the money waisted.

I was pretty upset and told them they better not charge me for anything I've done in the office. SO I was really emotional yesterday to say the least. the meds make me so emotional. I wanna kill everyone around me lol. headaches like you never had. cravings. cramps. just feel off. anywho my husband comes home from work this morning and we start playing some call of duty ww2 on the Xbox lol.

We play for about an hour and the controllers go dead. kids. lol..... We go to our room and lay down to watch a series before he goes to bed. he started rubbing on me and I was all like

So I let him LOL. cuz um hello, our toddler is napping LOL. I started rubbing him on places he likes HAHA and he just made love to me like no other!

he was so amazing. he made me orgasm 4 times. like WOW I needed that. it's usually about 50% of the time and only once. he bent me over and just gave it to me.

after he finished he started kissing on my back and rubbing my sides... I was like heyyy. normally he gets so sensitive. he starts going AGAIN! I'm thinking what the heck!!! what's going on!?!!?

So I start doing my thing and making sure he's takin care of. he gets me 2 more times. like is this real life?! he finished again and I'm just sweaty and out of breathe. he snuggles up to me and falls asleep

I'm just laying here like well if that doesn't get me pregnant nothing Will! lol. I hope this story didn't gross anyone out and maybe gave you a little laugh! I just couldn't help but to share. I'm seriously cramping so bad right now.