I feel like mu husband pisses me off so I'll rage clean.


I'm going to start by saying I DO love him dearly, but I swear to peace, I may straight up strangle him sometime soon.

This is a seriously long and stupidly detailed story. I'm not really expecting advice, because it's usually "tell him how you feel" and I do...it just doesn't stick so great.

My husband is currently unemployed, but he makes good money when he works. In the meantime, he fixes up cars and sells them for pocket money and fun. It's just difficult to find a job for him where we don't have to pay exorbitant daycare costs.

I am 15 weeks pregnant, work full-time as a restaurant manager, I try to keep with the house (look, we've got enough clean dishes, clean-but-not-folded clothes, a walkable floor, and there aren't any major sanitary problems. It's just cluttery.)and we have a 19month old daughter who still nurses.

I'm freakin exhausted. I'm so damn tired.

He grouses if I don't put her down for her nap to where he maximizes his time working on whatever project he's got going. I get it, but I work at different times in certain days, so it's difficult to put her down exactly when I'm leaving every day. It's not consistent, and why can't he just get up earlier to be productive while I'm home with her?

Then last night, he decided to try to help me move her from my bed tip her own crib. That's nice and thoughtful, but if course she's going to fuss a bit, so I woke up 4 times last night to calm her and put her back to bed. He's been sleeping peacefully in his bed alone all night. The baby finally gets up for good. I nurse her, but I'm still exhausted and my husband put on yet ANOTHER alarm that he just sleeps straight through for hours, but wakes me up from two rooms away every time. So I send the toddler to go hang with him instead. He wanted to get up, or he wouldn't have set that stupid alarm. AGAIN.

Instead of just getting up, making the kid some breakfast, and letting me have just one hour of uninterrupted, peaceful rest, he comes in with her, puts her on me, crawls into the bed himself and lays ON me (I'm pregnant, damnit. I can't even sleep comfortably to start.), and generally just starts dry-humping me and pressing his dick against my butt.

Like....how the hell do you get off thinking that messing with your already sleep-deprived and cranky wife when you already got some last night and you couldn't wake up for the baby crying OR your damn alarm we already discussed, and can't take the hint that I just need more time, which YOU COULD HAVE GIVEN ME?

Instead, I kick him off me, get up, cook the baby some breakfast, clean up the house that I come home to in shambles EVERY DAY, start some laundry, wash more dishes, and am currently getting ready to go work. Guess who has been asleep on my damn bed for the past few hours?


What's he going to do all day? Nothing, really. But I have to make sure my days off are reserved to let him work on his projects, so I can't do anything even on my free days.

But he does shit like this all the time where he wakes me up, or sets alarms to wake me up, or anything else to bug me til I'm awake, then he'll stay in bed while I'm pissed off and he'll sleep the day away while I clean and such cuz I'm frustrated. Oh, and he claims he stays in bed because "I'm too negative and my attitude brings him down. He doesn't want to be around me when I'm angry."

So be more considerate and I won't be so angry. But wait, pissing me off means he gets to sleep all day and a clean house, too. I gotta break this cycle, but somehow every time I just can't get my point across for more than a couple days. It's driving me insane.

I'm just so tired and hormonal. I want to pour ice water on the bed when I see him snoozing away for his 12th hour. I mean, It's a waterproof sheet......