AF Late 🔴👿 Head Cold 🤢😷🤒HELP 😣😣


Ok so here's my delma . IM SICK, an being sick an in your ttw sucks cussed I've made mysefl suffer through stopped up nose, head pressure, coughing, scratchy throat, an then off an on snotty/ chest congestion. okay so maybe a little more than a head cold ? But no way am I going to the doc! Soo I've bared through these past couple days an it's the end of my tww, now I'm 2 days late. Every month my period is late pee on a stick ... I swevrve the next day AF shows herrrr dummmb assss face 👿😡😭 All this to say, 2 days late, going through some things but who isn't ??? stressed on the edge of crying , no syptoms what so ever expect this dumbbb sickness!! so any one have a late period due to sickness? an or has anyone gotten sick an found out they was pregnant? this the first time this happened to me... HELP! With my first son I found out I was pregnant at two weeks due to constipation ik my body so well as a teen an cheering... I was heathly but here lately after my first son everything been off so I just can't tell what's going on with me!!! Thoughs?????