need advice

so this will sound and look extremely complicated but i really need to calm down about this... first off i have a little bit of anxiety so i am also just over thinking things way to much but i want outsiders opinions to help me.

My ex boyfriend and I reconnect all the time, not only because we have always been best friends but also because we have a strong bond to eachother... we are both juniors in highschool and we first started dating at the end of freshmen year, then we broke up towards the end of my sophomore year because we were both sort of immature in dating since we were kind of young and unexperienced in serious relationships, he has always been very self conscious about himself also and i understand because i feel that way about myself too, so that would lead to occasional fights. anyways, the end of this summer we sort of rekindled our romance even though we’ve still always been friends after breaking up, this summer getting back with him did not work out because we were both really scared of people giving us shit for it ( which is another HUGE reason him and i broke up in the first place ) he ended up dating another girl until this november who was pretty terrible to him, and has now caused him to not trust many girls. they have broken up and for about a month me and him have been “secretly” a thing even though our closest friends caught onto it. the reason i need advice is that he says he doesn’t want to go out and date openly at the moment, first off because he is afraid we might fight again, also because of his most previous ex making him iffy about jumping back into something because their relationship was pretty bad. i know he isn’t just using me because i can read him pretty well, but does anyone think that i should worry about this??? my friend said something about how me and him always come back to eachother and she knows it’s real but because of the fact i overthink things i just get scared i could get fucked over in the end hahaha he has said he understands my anxieties but he loves me and that is all that matters right now, he is just afraid of us fighting and the chance of him actually losing me if we were to openly date and then break up again.

Sorry if this was a total cluster!!! i just really need to calm down with someone else’s advice!!!