TMI but I need help

***i forgot to add I tested the one below at 8pm so it wasn’t FMU-gonna test in AM with digital

So I’ve been feeling off the past day or two. I’m 9dpo and five days away from AF (due Friday) I woke up to use the bathroom at 1am and had the lightest, almost unnoticeable amount of pink on my TP. Nothing in my underwear. This morning it still happened a bit when I wiped, then it stopped around noon. When I got to work at 3, it started again but a higher quantity. Still very light. I’m cramping in my right abdomen a bit and I know it’s probably too early to test since this could be implantation bleeding, but I didn’t bleed the last time I got a BFP (except when we lost it) and I’m just curious what you guys think. Sorry for the picture. I’m fine if you think it’s a symptom (IB) or AF, but seems too early to be AF. I’m usually on time too. Not TTC but wouldn’t mind baby if it comes to that. Thoughts please?

Also, took a Walmart test and it’s negative. Again, prob too early.