Finally some answers...


I have officially been diagnosed with PCOS.

My thyroid is just over the high end of the ideal range. The ideal range is no higher than a 3 and mine is 3.5 so definitely nothing too terrible. Thyroid issues do run in my family so it wasn’t shocking at all to find that out.

There’s 3 main hormones that they looked at. 1 is totally fine. The other 2, FSH and LH should always be at a 1:1 ratio. So if FSH is a 6, LH shouldn’t be a 12. My FSH is a 7 and my LH is an 11. Both of those are higher than what is ideal but they’re still only a 1:1 ratio. So while I do have PCOS, it is not severe at all.

Treatment plan is going Synthroid for my thyroid and then I’m also going on a metformin since my issue is more so maintaining a pregnancy, not getting pregnant.

Once I get pregnant, I have to go see the fertility doctor and he’s going to put me on progesterone medication as well. I’ll have to be on the progesterone for the first 12 weeks of pregnancy until the placenta is able to take over.

So, the news definitely wasn’t as bad as it cold have been. We’re both feeling confident that things will turn around pretty quickly with these medications. Hopefully in the next 8 weeks we’re pregnant. ☺️