Unsure after bfp

I have only been on this app for a short time, but have been trying for years. We got BFP but I am having similar symptoms to previous miscarriage. Doctors have been monitoring my hcg levels for nearly 3 weeks - still slowly rising but haven't broke 1000. These weeks have been tough, because I can't really be happy, but it's too soon to be sad. I haven't wanted to fill out my log in <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android.nurture">Nurture</a> because everything it says doesn't apply to me. I really like this app, but I would like to suggest another status. I am pregnant, but not yet healing from loss. I am just unsure. My doctor and I, don't know where this will lead. I hope you guys can figure out a way for people in this situation to use the app with a little more sensitivity. I do very much like this app, please consider this suggestion.