Has anyone ever heard of this?

I thought about googling but don't even know what to google?

My mom had a hysterectomy years ago and had to take synthetic hormones because her body of course no longer naturally makes them.

So she found out about this "procedure" that eliminates the need to take hormone pills. Instead, shell just get little gel capsules put in her hip. They cut your hip open and stick it in and it just releases those needed hormones slowly over time and you need to have it done every 14 weeks.

Since she's had it done she's been sick as hell with vertigo and such. Blinding migraines too where she can't even talk for long.

So now I'm kinda worried like.. what the hell did they do to you? I'm weird about my mom I guess. I just want to know if anyone has heard of this before and can tell me what it is so I can look it up and worry about my mom. But seriously.