What should i do??


I am 16 years old and i am a mother of a newborn 3day old.... so during my whole pregnancy the babys father was mever their nor his family... his mother hated me in more ways than i can count.. so now that my son is born they are trying to be apart of his life which is understandable but am i a bad mother if part of my doesnt want help? Am i a bad mother for leaving him alone for less than 5 minuets to use the bath room while everyone is sleep? Maybe. I didnt wake anyone up for my to use the bathroom because eariler he kept crying and my sons grandmother trued to nicely say that no one was getting any sleep.. so when.i come back the babys father tells me im mental and stupid for leaving him alone. I dont want to leave my child he is everything to me. Then the father told me to go to sleep because if im too tired im not touching him.... thenbasically told me i was a bad mother... im only staying at his familys house until my nieces arent sick anymore. But he was right abiut one thing i m tired of everyone telling me how i should be doing things with my son. Im tired of them telling me dont do this or that or feed him this and not that because of this reason or telling me hes hungry everytime he cries even though i might have just fed him. Im already putting him at risk just by having to sleep in the bed with him... because he doesnt have a crib or bassinet here. Im tired of someone telling me oh well when ... was .. he ate ... and he should ... more... honestly in my opinion no one knows my son better than me because no one was their besides me family.. i saved my son.. because if it was left up to the fathers family they would of got an abortion. I didnt force this on his family i told his family they didnt have to do anything. I just wish that everyone would stop judging me and telling me what to do....