So my ex was dumb enough to associate


With a piece of shit that was dumb enough to date my other ex boyfriend in highschool. In 2006 he had raped at least 2 underage girls, hogtied females at parties, stabbed, beat up people and cheated on everybody. So I got a restraining order and he got expelled and everyone else at school knew, she can't say she didn't know because my ex put his hands on me in front of other teachers, the SRO officers got involved and he fucking threatened to kill me and lost his shit on campus the day he was expelled and he beat up other students. He had out of school suspension the month he got served the restraining order and friends of hers knew he cheated on me with his ex and other girls. Another blonde chick in regular classes knew he was absusive and 2 male friends in theater arts Daniel and Adam tried to tell her he's a piece of shit. He tried to beat up the aforementioned Italian Adam and his ex before me's little brother was scared for his life. So anyway the week he got expelled this girl started dating him and while he was dating her my fence got spray painted and I put up with death threats and he fucking asked people about my whereabouts and drove around like a maniac. The day he got expelled I fucking had to hear from everyone in both honors and nonhonors all the shit he said about raping me. So my question is why the fuck would my more recent ex associate with a total fucking idiot? Everyone in honors and theater arts that I was friends with said, I'm the smarter and prettier one, is she trying to get you killed? He made fucking death threats, had been spotted on campus and fucking had his friends stalk/annoy me. Then I had to go to counseling and therapy and fucking almost dropped out of school, because I felt guilty he abused me and cheated on me and I felt more humiliated that everyone in honors thought I had herpes/AIDS. Blonde Tom from fencing, Michael in honors and black haired Daniel from drama, black girl Renae and asian Chris from theater arts and his female friends think she's a sack of shit and that she should have killed herself. When her manager from the movie theater dark haired emo Stephanie heard about it from BJ her and brunette Lindsey said she's a fucking dumbass. Now people expect me to forgive and the answer is hell no. Sucks I didn't drop dead because that's better than having to relive the same ordeal 2x.