Best friend vent

My best friend, god knows I love her, irks me so much sometimes. She makes it seems like she's the only one that have issues. She's -200 in her bank account. I get it, it sucks. But my boyfriend and I with BOTH are debts are like $20,000 deep. And it's just getting worse. I quit my job because my pay wasn't fair and the manager over my department liked to only be rude to me since I was new there. And I just couldn't take it anymore. Fast forward to now, 2 months later-and I still can't find a job. I've applied to every single place in this town. So now my friend is complaining about going to work and "nothing ever works out for her" so I suggested she get a hobby to distract her. Like working out or something(she says she wants to lose weight) and then goes on to say "I don't have time for that" she doesn't do ANYTHING but sleep all day. Or fucks around with her married boyfriend, who she told me she doesn't talk to anymore. But nope. She was with him today. ._. I guess I'm just aggravated with everything. Please tell me I'm not the only one with a friend like this, and if I'm not how do you deal?