Miscarriages and Future Pregnancies


So I miscarried back at the end of August. I knew I was pregnant then. I grew up believing that I wasn’t able to get pregnant. When I found out I was I was really taking care of myself. Taking vitamins. Eating right. Taking care of myself mentally and physically. But then one morning it wasn’t even time for my period and I woke up with this horrible pains in my stomach and back and I just knew. By the time I stood up and tried to make it to the bathroom my bed and body were covered in this bloody mucus like mess. I went to the doctor and they confirmed it.

Well in December I was thinking there was a possibility I may have been pregnant again. But I just didn’t wanna take a test to find out. I was scared. Of finding out that I was. Or even that I wasn’t. I was still having my periods (I’ve had abnormal periods my whole life so having a period while pregnant wouldn’t be that unusual for me) but I just had that pregnant feeling. Ya know?

Well this last period I had HORRIBLE back pain and my ovaries were just killing me. I went to the bathroom and I took out my tampon and wiped. When I did there was a mucus like substance on the toilet paper. I asked my mom what she thought it was and she said it looked like a mucus plug... I don’t want to find out I was pregnant and lost another baby. But I dunno if I should spend the money and go get checked out or not. I don’t have health insurance. My job offers it but it’s way too expensive for very very little coverage.

And I dunno. I guess I’m just looking for advice and to hear other people’s stories and how they’ve dealt with it. ?