Periods, ovulation & infertility.

My husband and i have been “not preventing” since December 2016. I decided in July 2017 to get established with an OBGYN & get checked out. She told me we hadn’t been “trying” long enough to test anything yet & basically blew me off. So it’s been another 6 months now & i decided i was going to go for a second opinion. I found a new OBGYN that came highly recommended to me on 1/22/18. He ran some blood work because it just so happens i was on CD 22 the day of my appointment & low and behold, an answer. I apparent do not ovulate... I’ve taken OPK’s ... but never gotten a clear positive. I’ve only used this app to track . Finally, although not exactly what someone wants to hear “you will never conceive if you do not ovulate... and you do not ovulate” but it explains so much... so ... then they tell me an entire plan of action... wait until you start your next period & then call us... (wait what? I always thought you only had periods if you ovulated... WRONG. You can still have regular periods and not be ovulating... I’m living proof) ... in the meantime ... they wanted my husband to do a semen analysis... eww. So he does... & then they call me & tell me that I’ve been hit with a double whammy... we’re both infertile. 😭😭😭. The worst possible outcome... but he’s not sterile ... so it’s not entirely impossible... just a low sperm count & low motility. So ... they put me on Femara to get my ovulating... and refer him to a urologist. I go in for an ultrasound on 2/6 to see if i am indeed ovulating this month, he goes Friday 2/2 to see if hes curable... but basically ... even if they get me to ovulate , nothing is still going to happen without fixing him. So ladies... if you’ve been trying, and trying & trying... get checked out. & if they blow you off... get a second opinion... because i could have known all of this 6 months ago... 🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️ I just needed to vent. Our families don’t know yet... but if his problem cannot be fixed , <a href="">IVF</a> if our only shot at having our own children. 😭