Bleeding from incision

Hi guys, I had my baby girl via emergency c-section 12.09am, jan 27th, and had my stitches removed to go home yesterday, jan 31st. The whole time I was in the hospital I had no bleeding from the incision, and it seemed to be healing up well. When I got home yesterday afternoon I walked around for maybe twenty minutes, and then just sat down on the couch really. I got up a few hours later and went to the bathroom and noticed some blood coming from my incision. It wasn’t a lot, came mainly from the centre, and i didn’t notice anything particularly painful that could have caused the bleeding, whatever happened, it happened while I was sitting on the couch. I put a pad against it overnight and there was a bit of blood on it this morning, I put a new pad on this morning and there’s a small amount of blood again. Is this normal? I’m really not the type to freak out and go running to the doctors or anything unless I am really, really convinced it’s a problem. Only thing I could possibly think happened was I laughed too hard (that hurt) or when I called my dogs (hurt too). My midwife is coming around tomorrow morning so will obviously talk to her then, but I’m the meantime google says it’s normal (lol) but was just wondering if it actually is or if it means there’s a problem? Thanks!