Glow hasn’t changed in the three years

Kitty • Living with PCOS. Mom of THREE boys Jayden💙Ethan💙 Logan💙

Still ISN’T a judge free zone. I used to post anonymously because no one here ever has something nice to say or even show support. I wrote a post about my boyfriend and I wanting to ttc. And how on board and proactive he is. And how I do have two boys and yes from two different dads. Someone goes to reply on how “young I am” which last I checked I never stated my age. And how I should wait “which I clearly wrote I have infertility issues” I have pcos and with my boys it took 1-2 and a half years to conceive. Which allows my boyfriend and I that time to ttc and also grow a stronger relationship than we already have. What ever happen to “good luck” “congrats” “baby dust” this will definitely be my last post on my journey. I wish you all who are ttc wether it be in a new relationship or a long term one the best of luck!