I need help 😭😭😭😭

Please someone tell me that I will regain memory after pregnancy! Since I had my son 10 weeks ago it's gotten so much worse! Today I had a breaking point. As I was in Walmart picking up my son some medicine I check out and head to my car the realize I've lost my keys.. so I check the car seat where I normally put them because I don't carry a purse & cant find them.. long story short I check customer service, get my husband to come help me find them in walmart, move two big rows of buggies that just got put in where I got 1 of the last buggies 30 minutes before, checked the baby isle, parking lot and so on.. time goes by and I'm not in customer service again to see if they may have found them while my husband is still looking around and I just so happen to feel something in my back pocket.. and there they were. I broke down. It's been horrible. From forgetting about laundry, washing out conditioner, (so embarrassing) but wiping my butt once, and so much more but of course I've forgotten. 😞 I can't take this anymore! I feel like this isn't normal but would love to know it may be happening to someone else so I can feel sane again! And any tips would be amazing!