Gender revealed: husband UPSET

Please tell me men snap out of the gender funk!

We got our blood test results yesterday, and my husband wasn't just bummed, he was angry. He said he was mad because now he's locked in to an 18 year commitment.He said he never wanted a girl, and the only reason he was okay with TTC was because he knew it would make me happy, and it might be a boy. We have talked about this, he even picked out a girls name! He talks to the baby, rubs my tummy, and till this point has been so supportive and kind.

My youngest daughter sobbed when I told her it was a girl. (We have two from my previous marriage)

Guys, I can't stop crying! I'm just happy that baby is healthy! Yes, I was hoping for a boy too, but I'm so upset that my husband would say such cruel and angry things.

PLEASE tell me he will snap out of it!!

My head is pounding, I barely slept, and I don't even want to see him. I'm so angry that he's reacted this way. He's allowed to be sad it's not a boy, but make me feel guilty? No. I'm gonna love this baby even if it comes out furry with rabbit ears.

**i have posted an updated comment in the comment section below: look for it!! Gives some great insight!**