Virtual hugs and hand squeezes, please


First AF since late Dec/early Jan MC. I know it was a long shot, but I was really hoping we’d hit the baby jackpot right after. I allowed myself to get really attached to the idea of an Oct baby. The messed up part is that we weren’t even planning on more kids - the pregnancy was a big surprise. But now the idea is out there and we’re attached...I have no idea how you mamas who have been TTC for a long time handle this...I am depressed, and even when I’m working or doing other things, it’s always in the back of my mind. Taking temp every morning, ovulation tests and pregnancy tests practically every day...I have so many blessings in my life and SO much I need to get done, there is zero reason for me to be obsessing about this. Anyway - thanks for letting me share. Grateful to have stumbled upon this community. #hopeisagift #amazingwomen