A little freaked out!! 😷😓

Alei • 19 y/o Mama bear and 22 y/o hubby. We have one son already who is the love of our lives. Possibly expecting N.2?
My mother in-law made me an appointment for my sixth week, (we told her last night and she was so excited to be a bepa) I'm starting to worry, I've had a previous pregnancy last summer with Twins that ended 7 1/2 months along (long trumatic story.. 😓) and was told it's "impossible" to get pregnant again, I have taken two pregnancy tests that both came up positive and have symptoms like crazy!!! I'm afraid my body is falsing the pregnancy, my boyfriend being (19) is really excited to be a dad, and has even bought a crib, changing table, and a rocking chair (not to mention all the clothes and toys) he has even asked me to marry him today (i said yes) but me being 16 and emancipated (plus i haven't told my family yet.....) I don't want everyone to get all happy just for it to be a false pregnancy or for me to miscarry.. I have my prenatals and have been taking extremely good care of my body since before i found out I was pregnant.. Any advice? Just to calm my nerves?Â