Baby Won’t Sleep PLEASE HELP!!!


Dear Fellow Mamas,

Please, Please help me! This is my first child. My One Year Old daughter refuses to sleep at night. I am now having trouble at work and being motivation to handle any of my errands or business because of such a lack of sleep. I don’t have much help and her staying up so late is really taking its toll on me. She will sleep as soon as it’s time for me to go to work. Her schedule is backwards. She will sleep and crash around 3 but stay up all night and take mini cat naps. She has a hard time falling in a deep sleep because she always want to make sure I’m right next to her. She is so attached to me that the moment she hears me get up or feel that I am not there, she jumps up out of a deep sleep and screams/cry for me. She jump up out of her sleep just to check and make sure I am still there. So, I must keep bathroom breaks down to a minimum. Mama’s, I need some advice. Please help me!