I swear my house is haunted.

Ok, so lately I hear thing's in my house that just can't be explained. I do believe I may be sensitive and it scares me. My mother is sensitive. I hear foot steps, my TV will turn on randomly in the living room at all hours of the night on it's own. My FIL passed away in the home a year ago. I swear while I was getting in the car to go to work a few weeks ago I looked up and he was in my home looking at me through the front doors window. That weekend my husband and I took an overnight trip and my mother stayed at my home to watch my animals and she said my bedroom door kept opening on it's on. The door has never done that to me and hasn't done it since. It's a door that when it's closed, it stays closed till opened. She said my dogs also acted on edge unlike they have before and now my dogs and cat's get spooked by nothing and will sit their and stare at it or run away. My big Dane will growl and everything. She never growls, only barks at the door when someone knocks. This is just really freaky.