After 3 miscarriages:

I saw this in Pinterest today and thought of my friend whom shared with me each time she had a miscarriage in the last year.

They’ve been trying since 2015(maybe even earlier?).

See convo below!!

You know, I just wanted to make sure that I wasn’t hurting her feelings or coming off as insensitive.

I’m a pretty straightforward person.

Then, she said THIS:

She literally had two back-to-back miscarriages and then another with twins so this is HUGE for her!

It tuns out that she was actually going to invite me and my husband out to dinner tonight to tell us the news.

My Scorpio-sense mist have been strong today!!

Please join me in sending all of the positive energy, thoughts, prayers, and guidance her way during this beautiful experience!

I am so happy for her and just wanted to share! I’m posting anonymously to be super careful.