Lazy Partner

SORRY BIT OF A VENT: So me and my partner are engaged. He has been living with me for the past 8 months but refuses to pay rent, bills or work. He has anxiety which he says is why he can't work...i understand to a certain point because I have it too as well as Bpd and depression but I still got myself a job and am now working so we don't have to struggle. He does very little housework and when he does he only half does it and then expects a pat on the head!! between us there are 3 kids from previous relationships (2 mine 1 his) and we have them every weekend. so during the week I work, clean and pay all the bills and rent. when he is asked to pay anything he just says he can't afford it. He is on benefits and seems happy with that. He keeps making remarks like "even though I'm on benefits I know you still love me" I'm I'm at a loss at what to do.